As people age from middle age to senior status, they tend to experience things that were once thought to come with the territory: fading eyesight, graying hair, high blood pressure, achy joints, and age-related pain, Eyesight can be corrected with glasses. Hair can be colored, High blood pressure is lowered with prescription medication. Now studies support exercise as a solution for age-related pain.
In a study released in January of 2022, Dr. Nils Niederstrasser found connections between pain and physical activity among older adults. The outcome showed that with more vigorous activity participants in the study had less musculoskeletal pain compared to those who were not active physically. Older adults in the study with a sedentary lifestyle experienced higher levels of chronic pain. This finding means that bumping up your workout and exercise routine can minimize pain in adults over 50. When assessing levels of exercise in the participants that ranged from mild to moderate to vigorous, Dr. Niederstrasser determined that prevention and relief from pain can be achieved through regular vigorous exercise programs.
Exercise is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Other aspects of this research may be helpful in the treatment of chronic pain. Consistency and regularity are necessary for the best results when it comes to relieving and preventing pain. Physical activity, according to Dr. Niederstrasser, can be linked to a variety of additional health advantages, including a reduction in pain. It's no secret that regular physical activity is good for the soul as much as the body. Niederstrasser believes that rigorous physical activity improves health, enhances muscle function, and maintains a healthy weight. Increased levels of physical activity also lead to improved bone density and a lower chance of falling.
Physical activity can have a positive impact on pain risk even if the person isn't extremely active. The most important thing is to stay active and avoid staying sedentary for long periods. Ruixue Zhaoyang found a link between decreased physical activity and higher degrees of discomfort in her research on the subject. Sedentary habits were shown to be associated with an increased risk of chronic pain in the elderly, according to the findings of this study. It's a vicious cycle that will go on indefinitely. Pain reduces one's ability to carry out daily tasks, which in turn worsens the pain. Physical abilities, pain tolerance, and general well-being can all be impacted by a person's decision to stay inactive.
At Blakey our residents don’t retire in the recliner, instead, we help them to reinvent their exercise routine.
As the body ages, it takes more resistance work to maintain muscle mass and to help with musculoskeletal pain. This is especially true for those over the age of 60. The good news also comes from the study is that it is not too late to start to reap the benefits for aging populations with chronic pain who have not led an active lifestyle. Starting even after the age of 50, will give the benefits of a healthier life, lower the risk of falls and bone breaks, as well as ease chronic pain.
There is no reason to not exercise in some shape or form.
Getting older and aging does not have to mean it's all downhill for the body. Aging adults do not have to live a life resigned to aches and pains. That's because it's never too late to start an exercise routine. The Journal of Clinical Medicine found that muscle mass in older women can be maintained and not diminish further even when the participants did not start exercising until middle age. At Blakey Hall, we work within our residents' abilities to ensure they have an active and vigorous fitness program. (Add info on the programs) If you are considering Blakey Hall for yourself or a loved one, we invite you to join us for one of our fitness programs.